What Is Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam Section 141 (BSA Section 141)?

In this article, we will introduce you to Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam Section 141. In today’s article we will talk about what is Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA Section 141)?

The Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 aims to unify and establish standardized rules and principles of evidence to ensure fair trials in criminal cases. The previous Indian Evidence Act has become outdated and does not adequately address the requirements of the modern era. This new Bill intends to overhaul the evidence laws by updating them to reflect current public needs and aspirations.

BSA Section 141
BSA Section 141

Definition of Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA) Section 141

Judge to decide as to admissibility of evidence- (1) When either party proposes to give evidence of any fact, the Judge may ask the party proposing to give the evidence in what manner the alleged fact, if proved, would be relevant; and the Judge shall admit the evidence if he thinks that the fact, if proved, would be relevant, and not otherwise.

(2) If the fact proposed to be proved is one of which evidence is admissible only upon proof of some other fact, such last mentioned fact must be proved before evidence is given of the fact first mentioned, unless the party undertakes to give proof of such fact, and the Court is satisfied with such undertaking.

(3) If the relevancy of one alleged fact depends upon another alleged fact being first proved, the Judge may, in his discretion, either permit evidence of the first fact to be given before the second fact is proved, or require evidence to be given of the second fact before evidence is given of the first fact.


  • (a) It is proposed to prove a statement about a relevant fact by a person alleged to be dead, which statement is relevant under section 26. The fact that the person is dead must be proved by the person proposing to prove the statement, before evidence is given of the statement.
  • (b) It is proposed to prove, by a copy, the contents of a document said to be lost. The fact that the original is lost must be proved by the person proposing to produce the copy, before the copy is produced.
  • (c) A is accused of receiving stolen property knowing it to have been stolen. It is proposed to prove that he denied the possession of the property. The relevancy of the denial depends on the identity of the property. The Court may, in its discretion, either require the property to be identified before the denial of the possession is proved, or permit the denial of the possession to be proved before the property is identified.
  • (d) It is proposed to prove a fact A which is said to have been the cause or effect of a fact in issue. There are several intermediate facts B, C and D which must be shown to exist before the fact A can be regarded as the cause or effect of the fact in issue. The Court may either permit A to be proved before B, C or D is proved, or may require proof of B, C and D before permitting proof of A.
About ashutosh

My name is Advocate Ashutosh Chauhan, I am the founder of BNS Section website. I have 10 years of experience in the field of law. My main objective of creating this website is to provide information about law to the common people in easy language.

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