What Is Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam Section 35 (BSA Section 35)?

In this article, we will introduce you to Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam Section 35. In today’s article we will talk about what is Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA Section 35)?

The Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 aims to unify and establish standardized rules and principles of evidence to ensure fair trials in criminal cases. The previous Indian Evidence Act has become outdated and does not adequately address the requirements of the modern era. This new Bill intends to overhaul the evidence laws by updating them to reflect current public needs and aspirations.

BSA Section 35
BSA Section 35

Definition of Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA) Section 35

Relevancy of certain judgments in probate, etc., jurisdiction- (1) A final judgment, order or decree of a competent Court or Tribunal, in the exercise of probate, matrimonial, admiralty or insolvency jurisdiction, which confers upon or takes away from any person any legal character, or which declares any person to be entitled to any such character, or to be entitled to any specific thing, not as against any specified person but absolutely, is relevant when the existence of any such legal character, or the title of any such person to any such thing, is relevant.

(2) Such judgment, order or decree is conclusive proof that-

  • (i) any legal character, which it confers accrued at the time when such judgment, order or decree came into operation;
  • (ii) any legal character, to which it declares any such person to be entitled, accrued to that person at the time when such judgment, order or decree declares it to have accrued to that person;
  • (iii) any legal character which it takes away from any such person ceased at the time from which such judgment, order or decree declared that it had ceased or should cease; and
  • (iv) anything to which it declares any person to be so entitled was the property of that person at the time from which such judgment, order or decree declares that it had been or should be his property.
About ashutosh

My name is Advocate Ashutosh Chauhan, I am the founder of BNS Section website. I have 10 years of experience in the field of law. My main objective of creating this website is to provide information about law to the common people in easy language.

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